“SilliBrand” – A Rant About Russell

I have a bone to pick with Russell Brand, as I’m sure many of his supporters do. In his upcoming film ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, Brand believes all the political parties are powerless in tackling the larger economic problems we face. And just 3 weeks ago, he was urging us all NOT to vote AT ALL. He was calling for a “revolution”:

So what does he do 3 weeks later and with just days to go before polling day? Do a COMPLETE U-TURN and decide “oh actually, I change my mind people. Vote Labour, just because” (not his actual words but words to that effect). He seemed to really warm to the Green Party’s policies in conversations on his YouTube channel with Caroline Lucas and Natalie Bennett. But for some strange reason he decided to actively endorse Labour. Who knows if he had made some financial deal with Miliband at the last minute. Whatever the reason, with such a quick and unexpected change in his message to his viewers, what was anyone supposed to think of him?

It doesn’t seem like he thought through his actions properly. Luckily Brand’s preaching isn’t (and never was) going to make me come to a decision over who to vote for. For a start, he’s not the most reliable source of information, as he keeps banging on about the same issues, particularly banker bonuses (valid point but what about every other political issue?!)

All in all, I’ve decided I still like Russell Brand. He makes discussions on politics, which can be extremely dry sometimes, engaging. But what I have also realised is that perhaps he is better off being a comedian/political commentator than a serious political activist! Forget Milibrand, I think this new political power couple should be called “Sillibrand”.

What did other people think about Mr.Brand? I was curious to know. To my surprise a lot of people couldn’t care less…
